We would like to help the study of the estudents with these links and videos that are available on the internet.
Our publications (in Hungarian language)
- THESIS – Zoltán Telepy: Rope access technique in technical rescue especially at trees that are damaged in storms
- THESIS – Zoltán Telepy: The occupational health and safety of the industrial rope access techniques and tree cutting
- THESIS – Imre Berényi: Application of rope access techniques to help the safety and effectiveness of the work of the firefighters
- ARTICLE – AQualification requirements of the tree cutting execited by rope access techniques
Supportin materials for National Qualification Register (OKJ) exam
- Identification number of the qualification: 32 582 04
- Name of the qualification: Rope Access Technician
- Rope Access Technician qualification (no. 103.) vocational and exam requirements (link) (DOCX)
- Oral exam tasks for the complex vocational exam, Rope Access Technician qualification, general industrial rope access techniques and rope techniques (NEW!!! from May 15, 2014.)
- Rope Access Technician qualification oral exam questions published by Ministry of the National Economy (Old, from February 5, 2010) (link) (PDF)
- Vocational requirement modules for rope access technician qualification
- Exam result evaluation method:
Occupational Health and Safety – 0070 Hungarian Rope Access Technique: Self protecting methods and systems to use against falling danger durin industrial rope access technique activities
Volume: 153 pages
Published: 2013

Péter Gaál: Industrial rope access technique – Coursebook
Volume: 246 pages; Available in electronic form for free by the permission of the author.
Published: 2016

Péter Gaál: Adventure park operator – for staff who operate rope lanes in high area – safety techniques
Volume: 132 pages; Available in electronic form for free by the permission of the author.
Published: 2016
Training films
The videos are made by the TETT Studió with the support of the National Labour Bureau (formerly OMMF).
Other useful videos:
Master exam
On the master exam and the requirements, see this link.
Rope Access Pro (not free)