The rope access technician qualifiction can be achieved free as first or second profession?
- In Hungary, the first and second profession that are recognized by the state can be achieved in school for free for the students of the vocational school. (See the following act: 2011. évi CLXXXVII. törvény a szakképzésről 1. § (1) )
- The rope access technician vocational training according to the decree (II. melléklet 103.; 1.3.) cannot be made in vocational school.
Updated: 19.09.2015.
validity of the ROPE ACCESS TECHNICIAN certificates in Hungary?
All rope access technician certifizate are valid, just they authorize the user for different purposes from 09.07.2016. (See the 11/2003. (IX. 12.) FMM decree.
Rope Acess Technicain vocational training (OKJ) recognized by the state: management of the work is possible
Training degree: it provides rope access technician assistant qualification, which can be used only under the control of a work manager.
On the new amendment, see the the article of the MIAOE website.
Updated: 07.07.2016.
Rope access technician timberman qulification requirement in Hungary?
See out articles for this question in Hungarian Tree Care Association and Hungarian Rope Access Technician Trainers (MIAOE) websites in Hungarian.
HOW TO GET THE PRE-employment medical examination for industrial rope access technician and tree carer trainings?
According to the National Economy Ministry decree (27/2012. (VIII. 27.) for rope access technician training pre-employment medical examination certificate is needed.
For tree carer training (ID: SzPk-00105-16-20 3 06 1/1) pre-employment medical examination certificate is needed too.
As both of these training are vocational training, the vocational suitability must be proved.
33/1998. (VI. 24.) decree on the medical examination of the work-related, professional and personal hygiene suitability
11.§ (4) the suitability of the job seekers, and those who apply and pay for the training the job seekers do by themselves on the first level, and the doctor of the local occupational health and safety medical specialist.
Before the start of the training, the certificate must be provided to prove:
- the suitability of the rope access technician/tree carer, and the
- on the stamp of the medical place or doctor there is mark that the provider is occupational health and safety specialist.
Based on the criteria above we cannot accept if the certificate
- proves job suitability, or
- provided occupational health and safety service.
Who became qualified professional, recommended the following places:
-Üzemegészségügyi Kft
- Szent Rókus Kórház és Intézményei – Foglalkozás Egészségügyi Szakrendelés
Updated: 02.28.2019.
- The license is give for the holder of the following qualifications:*:
- Forest Engineer,
- Licensed Forest Engineer,
- Forest Technician,
- Forest Mechanical Technician,
- Woodmachinist,
- Forest Skilled Worker,
- Timberman.
*1. appendix to the 83/2003. (VII. 16.) FVM decree b) 1.