The tree as a special working area provides bigger challenge for rope access technicians than other working areas. Most of the domestic trainings do not prepare the students for such conditions. For this, the MIAOE elaborated a special training that focuses on this problem and prepare the students to solve all challenges at the field.
Mvt. 42.§ b) the self protecting tools and gears against the dangers must be determined, the employees must be supported with these tools and gears, they must be educated how to use them and the use of these tools and gears must be required from them;
Mvt.50. § the employees must be occupied with tasks that they are able to execute without any harm on their health, and that they are aware of the methods and techniques to fulfill the tasks safely.
Entry requirements of the training:
- medical pre-employment examination certificate for rope access technician job,
- rope accesss technician assistant qualification at least,
- written order, sending an application form, and
- the presentation of the cheque or voucher that proves the payment of the training fee, during the registration process.
Training time: 5 days (40 hours)
Trainers: Zoltán Telepy, András Kardos
The training is given in closed area (casual clothes and clean shoes are needed) and open area, outdoor (suitable clothes must have, including high shoes or boots).
The following knowledge can be achieved by making the training successfully:
the proper use, maintenance and storage of the tree care rope techniques and gears,
- double rope techniques (so called prusik)
- working in the top of the tree with handsaw,
- practice of self-rescue and the rescue of the co-worker,
- the safety rules of the industrial rope access technician activity and the connected rules, standards.
Qualification requirment to execute tree care by using rope access techniques (for more details, see this article):
- industrial rope access technician qualification
- timberman qualification for built-up area